Horticultural Drainage
Multi-Flow drainage systems are great for drainage in greenhouse and nursery settings. Recovering water, whether from irrigation in enclosed greenhouses or from excess rainfall and irrigation in outdoor nursery settings, is easier and more effective with Multi-Flow. Recovering this water is often essential to prevent run-off and to recapture valuable nutrients.
Multi-Flow is typically installed vertically if it has to be trenched in. Occasionally it is installed horizontally in large planter boxes.
Whether it is for new construction or addressing an existing problem, Multi-Flow is a wise choice because Multi-Flow is 1) effective 2) convenient 3) durable and 4) affordable.
1. Horticultural drainage systems must be able to collect water and transport water. Multi-Flow excels in both regards. Multi-Flow is a very efficient water gathering agent:

2. Nurserymen and architects love to work with Multi-Flow for at least three reasons:
First of all, because of its panel shape, Multi-Flow can be inserted vertically. This means that a trench can be dug with a small walk-behind trencher or in some cases by hand. This is convenient for the cozy confines of a greenhouse or other intensively used growing areas. The result is less excavated material to haul away, less backfill to haul in, less time spent, and of course, less expense.

3. A Multi-Flow system is likely to outlast other methods that might be considered.
This is true first of all due to its strength. Able to withstand loads well in excess of 6,000 psf, Multi-Flow is not going to collapse due to heavy surface loads in shallow installations or due to earth weight in deep installations.
But it is also less prone to blockage. The Multi-Flow system includes a heavy effective geotextile filter. This high quality fabric acts as an excellent secondary filter, keeping Multi-Flow’s flow channels clean and open. Clean coarse sand acts as a very effective primary filter. Due to its shape, Multi-Flow is easily encased in sand, assuring a long life. When placed in a 4 inch wide trench Multi-Flow is readily protected in this way. This would be difficult if not impossible using French drain methodology.
4. A completed Multi-Flow system typically costs about half as much as a comparable French drain system. Add to that its longer life and Multi-Flow begins to look very attractive!